

p.art.ilha: action#1:

CASANOVA joins artists, galleries and cultural agents from several cities in Brazil in the p.art.ilha project, a strategy aimed at strengthening the art market faced with the COVID-19 crisis, additionally creating a network to support such community. The p.art.ilha project seeks synergy with private and institutional collectors, as well as it raises awareness to new publics for art, through coordinated actions.


We are launching p.art.ilha: action#1, the first initiative in this group, an ONLINE event in which a careful selection of artworks is on sale under very special conditions: for each artwork purchased during the month of May, the collector will earn equal value credit for further acquisitions by other artists within the same gallery.

The short-term goal is to keep the professionals who work in the creative chain of the artistic sector active (artists, gallery owners, producers, publishers, curators, researchers, photographers, technicians, etc.).

We believe that only unity and creativity will be able to minimize the disastrous consequences of this difficult moment.

For the mid-term, the group intends to explore new paths for the sustainability of the sector’s business, favoring collaborative processes.

“We are a group open to all galleries which identify with our goals. We want to revitalize the local market and welcome innovative businesses, startups and artistic projects lacking opportunities at his moment. In addition, within the current scenario, we also want to join efforts to mitigate the social impact of the crisis, donating resources to social institutions, such as Casa Chama (sp), Lá da Favelinha (bh), Lanchonete (rj), Por Nossa Conta (sp) and Salvando Vidas (sp)”.

participating galleries

aura (sp) @galeria_aura www.aura.art.br

b_arco (sp) @galeria.b_arco www.barco.art.br

c.galeria (rj) @c.galeria www.cgaleria.com

casanova (sp) @casanovaartecultura www.casanovaarte.com

desapê (sp) @des_ape www.desape.com

eduardo fernandes (sp) @galeriaeduardofernandes_ www.galeriaeduardofernandes.com

janaina torres (sp) @janainatorresgaleria www.janainatorres.com.br

karla osorio (df) @galeriakarlaosorio www.karlaosorio.com

mamute (poa) @galeriamamute www.galeriamamute.com.br

mapa (sp) @galeriamapa www.galeriamapa.art.br

lume (sp) @galerialume www.galerialume.com

oma (sbc) @omagaleria www.omagaleria.com

periscópio (bh) @periscopioarte www.periscopio.art.br

sé (sp) @segaleria www.segaleria.com.br

soma (ctba) @somagaleria www.somagaleria.com

ybakatu (ctba) @ybakatu www.ybakatu.com